The elusive Morel mushroom is one of Michigan's wild delicacies. Every spring thousands of Michiganders go out into the forests in search of this hard to find mushroom.

Despite being known as one of the most difficult mushrooms to find, due to their textured appearance and tan color, Morels can be found in every county in Michigan.

No true Michigander will give up their mushroom hunting spots, but there are a few things Morel hot spots have in common. Morels can be found at the base of dying trees, on patches of moss, near Sasquatch dens, and over that next ridge, but only on the days following rain showers.

There are two other types of morels in Michigan that could be mistaken for the real deal. True morels are connected at the base of the cap. Half free Morels have a cap that is only connected at the top of the stem. Half free Morels are in fact edible but not nearly as good. The False Morel or "beefsteak" mushroom is somewhat similar in appearance but has been found to be poisonous.
 Morel Mushrooms